
"It takes a dreamer to make a dream come true."―Vincent Willem van Gogh



KCLC Kingdom's Fishermen


Here is KCLC Kingdom. King's name is Arimoto, and he is a cat. So he very, very like fish, and always there are many fishermen by the side of him.
One day, Arimoto asked some fishermen to take some fish. But to tell the truth, each fishermen can take fish which weight of not over W kg. And Arimoto want to as more delicious fish as fisherman can take.


In KCLC Kingdom's sea, there are many fish. The fisherman knows n kinds of fish, and each fish's weight is wi and delicious value is vi. And the fisherman can take W kg fish at once.
You should make a programm that calculate the most delicious value which the fisherman can take at once.

KCLC Kingdom's Fishermen Ⅱ


One day, some robust fishermen came to meet Arimoto. And they said they want to be Arimoto's service. Arimoto was glad, but he alrady has many service who is fisherman, so he choose one robust fisherman who takes the most delicious fish.